I've been hanging onto these tins for a little while, my husband received them in a care package with goodies and of course emptied them right away. So I decided to make some Valentine's Sweet Treat holders. Maybe teacher's gifts?
Sorry the pictures are blurry, I really wanted to post tonight so I used my blackberry instead of the camera. I know better for next time :-)

I used a different part of the patterned paper for each of the tins. It had strips of different patterns on it, love it!

I also wanted to share some exciting news, I have access to a bind it all!! I say access as it is my mom's but it's living at my house for right now, yippee! I made these cute little mini books. Now I just have to get my hands on sime wires. 

Here's my cutie boy. He refused to go in his crib tonight and kept pointing over saying "bed" so I thought I'd give it a try. He got up twice, once to close the door all the way, apparently he likes to be alone and then the second time was to pull the string on his music maker. What a sweety!! He pretty much fell asleep within 10 minutes. The only other time he slept in the big bed was when I would carry him in when he was already asleep. He's growing too fast :-(

Happy Stamping!