$15 worth of photos from Costco and we are ready to Bee-scrapping. :-) sorry had too do it....
It's starts off with this super cute resin bee that was given to Madison and I by this wonderful women who owns a scrapbook store in Lambeth (sorry the name has slipped my mind and I can't find it online). We decided to go with a vintage feel because of this cute little bee.
On our visit to Michaels we picked up the $1.50 chipboard Bee album to use as a shape on the front cover.
I covered the bee with paper then three layers of UTEE and cracked it from the freezer, so much fun and I haven't done it in so long.

After that it felt like it needed something else so I added some gold embossing powder to the edges. I loved how it seperated when I heated it a little longer. Hopefully you can see it in this picture.
I cut out the embossed section to make a window so that I could stick a Bee sign in there. Added some prima flowers and Michaels $1.50 roses and voila!
The black sign is a spellbinders that I borrowed for my mom, it was cut out of black cardstock and I used some of the metallic rub on it also.
One page down, 11 more to go. Stay tuned....