I'm so happy that summer is finally here. Madison will be going back to school, hanging out with all her friends, bringing home all the grade 4 drama. Yes, grade 4. Time flies by so fast. Even Jonathan wants to go to school but unlike his big sister he has to wait until he's 4 years old. We'll just have to pretend that he's going to Nana School". Hopefully he doesn't cry too much on the first day of school when he has to go back to the car.
Anyways, have you ever searched and searched for the perfect letters to go with your project but just can't find the right color. Well here's a quick fix for you...
I had some light peach glitter letters that just didn't seem to go with much so I took my sponge dauber and some Only Orange Stampin' Up! ink. Just place your letters on some scrap plastic from a sticker sheet and sponge the color over the sticker. The color just soaks right in and it made my baby peach letters into a saucy orange. Perfect for that project.

This is my newest mini album. Includes 8 pages and 8 journal/photo cards. They were so much fun to make so I did a whole bunch of different ones to sell. (sorry pictures aren't great from the blackberry :-)