Okay, so here's what my room has been looking like lately. It is the drop zone, I buy something and drop it off, clean up something and drop it off. Well it has not been fun, since that gives me no place to create.
Well, looky looky. It took me two days of "off and on" cleaning day and night in order to get it in this tidy position. Do you know how good that feels. And I sat down right away on sunday night at 10:30 when I finished to do a card. I got one tiny card completed, blah. I need to get some creativity going.

I'd have to say that this little guy is the main reason for me not getting anything done. He's so cute though, how can you blame him. Doesn't that face just say "what, I didn't do anything".
Oh well, I'll just have to stay up later to get my time in :-)
Keep watching, I guarantee a card any day now.
Happy Stamping!